Monday, September 17, 2012

Economics - Micro - Output and Costs

Start 12:30 PM

Output and Costs

Short run and long run

  • Short run is where quantities of some resources are fixed
    • Technology of production is fixed in short run, thus a constraint
    • Labor and raw materials are typically short run
    • Decisions easier to reverse
  • In long run you can adjust quantities, production methods, plant size
    • Once spent, typically a sunk cost
Products of Labor
  • Total product - total output of shirts
    • Production possibilities frontier - Graph of total product
  • Marginal product - number of shirts added by each additional unit of labor
    • Decreases as production increases
  • Average product - total output divided by total workers
    • Average product will max at a point where marginal product intersects it from above
    • Usually marginal will start higher than average, then intersect, then lower
  • Total cost = all costs associated with generation of output, fixed + variable
    • Total fixed cost - PP&E plus normal profit (value of ability of owners) - independent of firm output
    • Total variable cost - increase as output increases - i.e. labor and materials
  • Total cost should increase at increasing rate due to increasing marginal cost
  • Marginal cost = change in total cost / change in output
  • Average cost - fixed, total, or fixed plus total, each divided by number of units
Properties of costs
  • AFC (avg fixed cost) decreases
  • Vertical distance from ATC to AVC = AFC
  • MC declines initially, then increases - first you have scale economies, but then diminishing returns
  • MC intersects ATV and AVC at their minimum points
  • ATV and AVC are U shaped because diminishing returns set in
Relation between product and cost curve
  • MP reaches a max when MC is at a min
  • As labor continues to increase, AP reaches a max and AVC reaches a min
    • MP is declining and MC is increasing
  • After this point, MP and AP both decrease, and MC and AVC both increase
Production function
  • This is the relation between inputs (K+L) and quantity produced
  • Law of Diminishing Returns - at some point, output continues to increase but at a decreasing rate
  • Marginal Product of Capital - increase in output from one additional unit of capital, holding labor constant
    • At some point adding capital still increases production but at a decreasing rate
Short Run and Long Run Costs
  • Short run curves apply to a plant of a given size
  • In long run, even plant size is variable - these curves are called 'planning curves'
  • Inherent tradeoff between size of firm and unit costs - unit costs may decline:
    • Savings due to mass production
    • Specialization of labor/machinery
    • Experience
  • Long-run average total cost curve is U-shaped
    • Economies of scale in first part, diseconomies thereafter
    • Diseconomies = bureaucracy, problems motivating large force, principal agent problems, and greater barriers to innovation
End of reading
1:15 pm
0.75 hrs

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