Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quantitative Methods - Hypothesis Testing

Start - 9:00 pm

Hypothesis testing - a statistical assessment of a statement or idea regarding a population

If the statement is reasonable, accept, if unreasonable, reject

Null hypothesis - Ho - the hypothesis you want to reject.  Null hypothesis can be mean = x, or greater than/less than (or equal to) x.  Note: Nulls always include 'or equal to' condition.

One tailed hypothesis - is it greater or less than.  Two tailed - deviation from.  Most hypothesis tests are constructed as two tail.

Typical two tail: Ho: u = x, Ha: u =/= x

General rule is reject if test statistic > upper critical value, or test statistic < lower critical value

Example: 250 days, mean return is 0.1%.  Sample sdev is 0.25%.  Do a test at 5% level.

First, need sample sdev = sdev/sqrt(n) = 0.25%/sqrt(250).

Then, take t-score which is 0.1% / (0.25%/sqrt(250)) = 6.33.  6.33>1.96, so we reject the null of Ho: x=0.

Always set up the null so that rejecting will lead to acceptance of the alternative, the goal in performing the test.

Test statistic is a random variable and may follow one of several distributions - more on this later.  Critical value for each distribution (t, z, chi-square, or F dist) depends on the distribution.

Type I and Type II errors

  • Type I - rejecting null when it is actually true
    • At 5% significance, there is a 5% chance of a Type I
  • Type II - failing to reject null when it is actually false
Note: it is incorrect to 'accept' a null hypothesis - it can only be supported or rejected

Power of a test
  • 1 - p(type II error)
  • This represents the probability of correctly rejecting the null hypothesis
  • If you have more than one test statistic you can use the highest power to decide which is best to use
  • Calculating p(type II error) is quite difficult in practice
  • Putting in a more stringent test increases prob of failing to reject a null, so power decreases
    • Conversely, increasing power for a given sample size also increases chance of a type I error
    • For a given significance level, can increase power only by increasing sample size
Confidence intervals
  • Range of values within which the researcher believes the true population parameter may lie
  • CI = sample statistic +/- critical value * standard error
  • If null value (likely 0) is outside this range, you reject the null
Statistical significance does not mean economic significance
  • Transaction costs may outweigh benefits, as are taxes and risk
  • In short term, there could be significant variations from year to year even if the mean is profit
  • Statistical tests with large samples can result in highly (statistically) significant results that are quite small in absolute terms
  • Probability of obtaining the test statistic, assuming the null hypothesis is true
Picking right test statistic - large/small sample, variance known/unknown: t versus z
  • Use t-test if population variance is unknown and EITHER sample is large or sample is small but distribution is normal or approximately normal
    • Note: if sample is small and non-normal, there is no good test
    • t(for n-1 degrees of freedom) = (sample - null) / (sample sdev / sqrt(n))
  • Use z-test if population variance is known and population is normally distributed
    • z = (sample - null) / (population sdev / sqrt(n))
    • Can use the same formula if sample is large, using sample sdev instead of population
Comparing population means of 2 at least approximately normal distributed populations based on samples with either 1) equal or 2) unequal assumed variances
  • Must be sure samples are independent and pops are at least approximately normally dist.
  • In both cases, variance is unknown
    • In one case, variance assumed equal between pops, and samples are pooled
    • Other case, no assumption of equality b/w variance is made, and t-test uses approximated value for degrees of freedom
First case: Two populations, unknown variances (assumed equal), normally distributed
  • Ho: mean 1 - mean 2 = 0 (for two tail test).  Can also set 0 to any other number.
    • One sided: Ho: mean 1 - mean 2 >= 0 and vice versa
    • There is a big fat formula for the actual test - will not be tested
Second case: Two populations, unknown variances (assumed unequal), normally distributed
  • Same as above but with different denominator - but uses individual sample variances unlike pooled sample which assumed variances were equal
  • Remember these are both t statistics
Comparing two normally distributed populations (paired comparisons test)
  • Sometimes samples may be dependent (unlike before where they were independent)
    • Example, observations for two firms are both influenced by economic conditions/market returns/industry conditions etc
  • Paired comparisons test is a test of whether average difference between two companies' monthly returns is different from 0, based on standard error of average difference est. in the sample
  • Always requires sample data be normally distributed
  • Ho: meandifference = hypothesized meandifference (often 0)
  • t = (d sample - hypothesized) / sdev of mean difference
Hypothesis test concerning variance of a normal population
  • Chi square test - used to test hypotheses concerning variance of a normal population
    • Uses chi squared distribution - it is asymmetrical and approaches normal as n increases
  • chisquare(n-1) = (n-1)s^2 / variance
  • Note: chi square value cannot be negative
  • Generally, if significant, the variance is different than the hypothesized value (example: is the variance of a portfolio still about 4%?)
Test equality of variances of two normal populations, based on two independent random samples
  • F-test
  • Ho: variance 1 = variance 2
  • F = sample var 1 / sample var 2
    • Always put the larger variance on top - then we only have to consider critical value for the right hand tail
Parametric and non-parametric tests
  • Parametric - rely on assumptions regarding distribution of the pop and are specific to population parameters
    • z test, for example, relies on mean and sdev.  Requires sample is large, or normal dist, or both.
  • Non parametric - either do not consider a particular population parameter or have few assumptions about population being tested
    • These are used when assumptions can't be supported, or there is concern about quantities other than the parameter of the distribution
    • Also used for ranked observations
    • Often used alongside parametric tests
      • Often used as a backup in case the parametric assumptions do not hold
    • Example - comparing ranks between two datasets
    • Further example - runs test, e.g. does price tick up or down
End of reading.
10:38 pm
About 1.5 hours

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