Thursday, September 13, 2012

Quantitative Methods - Statistics and Market Returns (cont.)

Start Time - 11:15

Continuing on through Reading 7.

Coefficient of Variation
  • Interpreting standard deviation depends on units of measurement and location of means
    • E.g. standard deviation does not change if you add a fixed $750 million to each observation in a set of data
    • One standard deviation will mean a lot more % difference in the set with smaller numbers
  • Coefficient of Variation (CV) is one measure of relative dispersion i.e. relative to a reference value or benchmark
  • Formula: CV = standard deviation/sample mean
  • This permits direct comparison and is a scale free measure
    • Mean is in the same units as the standard deviation (e.g. % for returns)
    • In context of risk/return, risk is standard deviation and sample mean is the return
Sharpe Ratio
  • Note that the inverse of the CV is a measure of return to risk - each unit of standard deviation represents an x % return
    • To be more precise with this you must recognize there is a risk free component of return, hence the Sharpe Ratio
  • Sharpe Ratio = (Mean Portfolio Return - Mean Risk Free Return) / standard dev of portfolio return
    • Numerator is 'mean excess return'
    • Generally you want to maximize your Sharpe Ratio for a given standard deviation
  • Caveats to Sharpe Ratio
    • Negative Sharpe Ratios - may occur in bear markets
      • When comparing negative, 'larger' (meaning less negative) does not mean better performance (doubling risk might move Sharpe Ratio from -1.0 to -0.5)
      • Should generally try to increase the evaluation period to get positive ratios, and failing that use a different measure
    • Sharpe considers only one measure of risk, standard deviation of return
      • This makes sense for strategies with symmetric return distributions
      • But Options for example have assymetric return distributions
      • Also might have frequent small gains and infrequent large losses
        • When a strategy is working, high sharpe ratio, but nonrepresentative
Symmetry and Skewness in Return Distributions
  • In variance, for ex, since deviations are squared, you don't distinguish between pos and neg
  • Normal Distribution - three properties:
    • Median = mean
    • Completely described by mean and variance
    • 68% of observations within +/-1 standard deviation of mean, 95% w/in 2 std devs, and 99% within 3 std devs
  • Skewness
    • Positive skew - long tail on the right ('points to the positive') (skew right)
      • Mode<median<mean because you have many high positive values skewing the numbers
    • Negative skew - long tail on the left (skew left)
      • Mean<median<mode
  • Measure of Skewness
    • Similar to measure of variance - use each observation's deviation from mean
    • Skew = sum of cubed deviations from mean / cube of std dev
      • Measure is again free of scale
    • For sample skewness
      • Must multiply the above by n / [(n - 1) (n - 2)]
      • As n becomes large this term just approaches 1/n
    • For reference, for any n>100, a skewness of +/- 0.5 would be unusually large
  • Skewness is a real pain to calculate - see spreadsheet
  • Skewness is one way you can be different from a normal distribution
    • Kurtosis is another - this measures how 'peaked' the distribution is - more 'peaked' 
      • More peaked than normal - leptokurtic (excess kurtosis > 0)
      • Less peaked - platykurtic (plateaus are wide) (excess kurtosis < 0)
      • Same as normal - mesokurtic (excess kurtosis = 0) 
      • If you are more peaked you will have fatter tails
    • Kurtosis is one level up from skewness - so you raise to the FOURTH power in the calcs
  • Kurtosis = sum of deviations from mean^4 / fourth power of std dev
    • For a normal distribution, kurtosis = 3
    • 'Excess kurtosis' = kurtosis - 3
  • For sample kurtosis you must multiply by (n(n+1)) / [(n-1)(n-2)(n-3)]
  • For sample excess kurtosis then you subtract 3(n-1)^2 / [(n-2)(n-3)]
  • Another pain in the but calculation - probably no way this appears on the exam as a full calculation
Using Geometric and Arithmetic Means
  • Geometric is appropriate for past performance, Arithmetic for future (A for Ahead)
    • Remember, arithmetic is always greater or equal to geometric
    • Geometric is appropriate for past because it captures how total returns link over time
  • Better to use a semilogarithmic scale (normal scale on x axis, logarithmic scale for y axis) when graphing past performance than an arithmetic scale
    • On this scale, equal vertical movements capture equal percentage changes
    • Differences in lns of 10-fold increases is about 2.30.  E.g. ln10-ln1 = 2.30, and ln1000-ln100=2.30.
  • Forward looking
    • Essential difference is uncertainty
    • Suppose you invest 100,000 and face equal chances of gaining 100% or losing 50%
      • Geometric would give the median/mode ending value of 100,000
    • But arithmetic mean gives a better prediction of mean ending wealth
      • You can see based on the above that the average after 2 periods is $156,250 (all four outcomes are equally likely)
      • The more uncertainty there is, the larger the divergence of arithmetic above geometric 
End of Reading 7.

1:15 pm
About 2 hours

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